Each one should use whatever gift he has
received to serve others, faithfully
administering God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Upcoming Classes and Open Houses

Monthly Class

For June's monthly class we will make 4 cards for a variety of occassions using different tools such as the spritzer tool and aqua painter. The fee is $10. If you place an order for $25 or more at the class, the fee will be waived.
One of the cards will be very similar to this card. Notice the speckled background...spritzer tool :)

**Classes will be BYOA (bring your own adhesive...SNAIL or another kind you prefer) but any speciality adhesives needed to complete the project will be supplied. I will have some new SNAIL available at the class to be purchased if you run out, forget, etc.

Open House

July 10th from 1:00 pm until 6:00 pm, I will be having my first annual new Idea Book & Catalog open house!

There will be lots of projects to look at and purchase and of course the opportunity to place any products orders from the new catalog. There will also be a chance for everyone to make a project to take home using the new products.

Everyone that RSVPs by July 4th will get a special prize as well!

Snacks and drinks will be available while you browse and create :)

June's Free Card with Purchase

I can't believe it's already a week in to June! I'm a little late but here is this month's card that you can get for FREE if you make a purchase of $30 or more of product! Definitely summer inspired after this super nice week :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last Chance Items Are Now Listed!

It's already June 1st and the list of items that are going to be retired from the 2010-2011 Idea Book & Catalog are available now. Stamps will be available through June 30th but accessories will ONLY be available while supplies last. So buy up!! You won't want to be thinking about the items you didn't get your hands on once they are discontinued forever! Online orders are the best to insure getting the items you wish. You can order through me at HERE and clicking on Products then Shop Now!
Here are the lists of last chance items:
Stamp sets
Definitely Decorative